Saturday, May 7, 2011

Tomato Pie

In 2001 Craig and I celebrated our first anniversary by going to San Francisco for a week of sightseeing.  On our way back to Seattle, our plane was delayed.  We ended up sitting in the airport for about 4 hours talking with a lady that was from SF but now living in the Seattle area.  The conversation varied from one subject to another, and somewhere in the hours we exchanged emails so she could send us a recipe for tomato pie.  We received the email and made the pie, and it was incredible.  Unfortunately, we lost touch with her, as well as the recipe.  I tried from memory to recreate the recipe, so here is the closest I can come to her recipe.  I’ve made it again, and again and everyone just loves it!  If you love tomatoes, you will want to make this, you will LOVE it!

Having said that, please understand I don't follow recipes (my own too!)  so bear with me on this.  I adjust it EVERY time I make it.

Tomato Pie Recipe

1 9-inch pie shell
1/2 red onion, diced
5 tomatoes, sliced. Lay on paper towels and lightly salt to get as much moisture out. You can also use a salad spinner.
1/4 cup sliced basil (about 8 leaves) or so

2 cups grated cheese (combination of sharp cheddar and Monterey Jack, Swiss, Gruyere or Mozarella)
3/4 cup mayonnaise
1 teaspoon garlic powder
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 350°F. Place pie shell in oven and cook for 8-10 minutes or longer until lightly golden. If you are starting with a frozen crust, you'll need to cook it a little longer. If you are using a homemade crust, freeze the crust first, then line the crust with aluminum foil and pre-bake it for 20 minutes, then remove the foil and bake an additional 10 minutes.


To get as much moisture as you can out of the sliced tomatoes, using either paper towels or a clean dish towel, lay the tomatoes out and lightly salt. Cover with another paper towel.

In a medium bowl, mix together the grated cheese, mayonnaise, onion, basil and a sprinkling of salt and freshly ground black pepper. The mixture should be the consistency of a gooey snow ball. 
Spread 1/2 of the cheese mixture over the tomatoes. Repeat the layer.

Place in oven and bake until browned and bubbly, anywhere from 25 to 45 minutes.
Serves 6.

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