Most people make rice by boiling 2 cups of water to 1 cup of rice. BORING!!! and sticky.
For traditional rice, you'd measure the rice, and make sure that the water was one knuckle about the rice level.....yup that's right, stick you finger in the water and measure the water level above the rice....Works EVERY time!!!
Tonight's dinner was Green Onion Rice with Herbed Cod and Buttered Dill Carrots. The most difficult part was boiling the rice....and if that is the most difficult, then you ALL can make this.....
For this recipe I use Basmati Rice. I usually measure about 2 cups of the rice and rinse the rice with cold water until water runs clear. Bring to a boil, and boil for about 10-15 minutes, check rice for doneness. (when you split the rice kernal in half, you will see a dot in the center-Al dente) When rice is done (al dente), pour the rice into a strainer, and rinse with cold water. Put the pan back on the store, and add a small amount of oil (3-4T) and the rinsed rice, in a mound. Sprinkle about 3-4 T water over the rice, and place a folded towel (make sure there is not fabric softener in the towel) over the top of the pot and place the lid on the pot. Allow to steam for about 20 minutes on medium low heat.
Add 1/2 stick of butter to the rice, mix well. Add 2 bunches of sliced green onions to the rice and mix well. Serve and enjoy!
These times are approximate, as you know I don't measure, or time. I use my judgment as my gauge.